Wednesday, January 03, 2007

And We're Back To Normal, Almost...

It's Wednesday and Gage and Frankie returned to the third and fifth grades and Rylin made his long awaited return to pre-school after asking for many, many days, "Do I have school today?" Last week Gage and Frankie enjoyed some time with their Aunt Connie in Dunellon, FL they left Wednesday and returned Saturday. It was a bit nice for Bob and I to have alone time after 7:30 p.m and we both kept saying to each other, "It's so quiet!" Friday night I had a bit of a spill (don't ask) and threw my back out. So, it's been all Bob this weekend, he returned to work on Tuesday so Gage was my wonderful helper for the day as lifting Finn is rather impossible. Gage has mastered Mr. Mom and informed Frankie that next time Mom takes a sick day it's his turn. (I think he's sick of building lego motorcycles for Rylin) Finn and I eaked through the day without either Bob or Gage although the driving Rylin to school was a bit rough (my tailbone is what got hurt), but Bob came to my rescue at pick up time by coming home for lunch and picking up Rylin from school. Between getting me in and out of bed, in and out of bathrooms, doing laundry, diaper and bath duty and add to that making a trip home just so I wouldn't have to ride in the car in pain for 20 minutes; Bob has made it to 'Knight in Shining Armour" level. (Don't tell him though!) Seriously, he has been great and he has my undying love and appreciation. I'm doing much better; even though I still only have two positions; stand or lie on side... maybe we'll work up to sitting positions by the weekend. Hopefully, by next Monday we will be back to our regularly scheduled lives. I hope everyone is well and the New Year brings you much happiness. -Jess