Where have I been? Well, here basically. What has prevented me from blogging? Upgraded to Windows Vista; I will not say more due to the fact that Microsoft may sue me for slander. Our wireless router went (that is the thing that allows me to get internet access anywhere in my house or yard) and had to be replaced. After the router was replaced I tried to blog numerous times and it turns out that I was not granted internet access for more than five minutes at a time. The cause of this? A wrong setting on the new router. Oh well, I am back in cyberspace now. I'm thinking I was a bit more productive when I was denied access though...
Hmmm.... news. My Mom had a small stroke at the beginning of last week which has effected her eyesight so that she has to wear a patch over the effected eye or the whole room tends to spin. She met with an eye specialist on Friday and they said it was not her eye it is most likely the damage done to her brain by the stroke. She is going for more tests next week I believe.
I leave on Wednesday for Syracuse and will be back Sunday. I'm going to have a visit with the Grandparents. Grandma is getting new chemo and it is really wiping her out. I am going all by my lonesome and Bob is taking time off of work to stay with the kids. I'm pretty excited about my visit, not just seeing people I love but being able to eat apples.... as many as I want without having to visit the pawn shop first. Oh, and I'll get to wear a sweater! I have a thing for sweaters... a very serious thing. Serious enough where I have considered leaving Florida and going to a place where I can wear them more. Perhaps, a place like Maine. Bob is not going for it though. Staying in a house with two older people for a few days must have benefits as well, like quiet, it has got to be quieter.
Bob spent from Wednesday to Friday of last week in Tennessee for work. We all missed him. I always think I do everything around here myself without any help. I was wrong. Three kids who all had homework, a 1 year old who kept insisting Daddy was in the garage (I really think he assumes Bob is in the garage without him all day and doesn't go to work or anything), my normal household chores and then Bob's chores... well, I've come to the conclusion that Bob helps out a lot. Not only that, but things just tend to run smoother when he is here. Is it because he is a calmer person? I don't know. Is it because he is big and scary? Again, I don't have all the answers. But it just works better. I always think we don't spend much time together. He left and I realized we do. Even when it doesn't seem like we are spending time together we are. Sitting in the same room, doing our own thing. Or watching TV in the evening. (I am better at Jeopardy. Do not let him tell you any different.) Just knowing he's here or going to be here soon, makes a difference. Anyway, the day before he came home he got the whining phone call from me saying, "I can't do this alone." I sort of expected him to tell me something along the lines of, "Dry it up and take one for the team!" Nope! Instead, I heard, "No one could, Jess." Perfect answer. I don't feel so unequipped anymore.
Unfortunately, when I planned my trip I didn't realize that Gage has a Boyscout event on Saturday, Frankie has a chorus event on the same Saturday and the kids have no school on Friday due to a teacher planning day. I almost feel badly about leaving him with this messy schedule but let's just say there's a bit of a smirk on my face, it's tiny though... really it is. Multi-task, husband. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.
I added a picture of Finn because Bob is threatening to cut off his curls because he says he looks like a girl. They may not be there when I come back. I have explained that when you cut the baby curls they don't come back, this has gotten me no leeway at all.