My sincere apologies for not keeping up with the blog once again. There is no valid excuse for this other than I tend to get into the habit of living life rather than writing about it.
The past week I've been stripping wallpaper in our bedroom whenever I had a free moment and then Bob spackled, sanded and painted the walls. It's not perfect but it's a big improvement from the stained, peeling wallpaper that was there.
I also knitted a pair of clogs for myself and then felted them so they would fit me as apposed to a big Gorilla. This was my first time experimenting with felting and it was so cool to watch it shrink and come together into this tight fabric.
Rylin learned to ride his bike sans training wheels. We are very proud of him as one day he just decided he wanted his training wheels off and he was going to do it! He did!
Yesterday, I hung a new shelf over the cutting table in my sewing room. This is a big deal because I did it myself and the shelf is quite heavy so it took a trip to Depot to get some wall toggles because I have no desire to patch more walls at this point were it to fall.
Today's plan is to organize all the fabric, notions, yarn and the kid's art stuff into labeled bins as to be more efficient. When you have a limited amount of time to accomplish things without interruption every minute counts. Up till now we've had a sort of "junk drawer system" which meant that whenever something needed put away you put it wherever you could squoosh it in. The kids are very good at that system. Hopefully, they will appreciate not having to dig through my stuff to find theirs so we'll see.
I am still working on the same wall hanging quilt I was working on before Christmas. It is to the point where I either need to sit down and work on it till it is complete or put it in a box in the attic and pretend it never existed. "What snowman quilt? What are you talking about snowmen? You know quite well it doesn't snow in Florida... you're losin' your mind I tell ya..." I've got it all worked out, it will be fine.
Last week, I got a case of what I thought was hives. I was thinking maybe I was allergic to the drywall dust or wallpaper glue I was stripping. But then I started feeling allover, hit by a Mac truck not well... So I went to the Dr. and I don't have hives it's this icky virus I've never heard of Pityriasis Rosea and occording to the Dr. this can last 6-8 weeks. She gave me steroids and some medicine to help with the aches and hopefully it will have a short run. Chicken pox lookin' spots don't really suit me and Bob still isn't convinced that it's not "catchy". I considered asking the Dr. for a note saying I COULD be allergic to drywall dust or wall paper glue and that I shouldn't do it anymore.. that Bob should just go ahead and take care of it. However, I am trying to be a better person, good girl, kinder wife whatever you want to call it. So instead, I decided to just be grateful it's not Leprosy, it crossed my mind in the worse moments and that it should be gone before it's bathing suit time. (Does Leprosy still exist?)
The picture of the birds was taken in my front yard. It was a day when I had planned to go to the beach and just have a walk, see the ocean, pick shells. Well, the beach day was cancelled and I went out to start laundry and there were this pair of birds that are very tropical looking and seem to belong at the the beach. I just thought it was great that on a day when I wanted to go so badly God sent me a bit of the beach to my own front yard.