The smell of fresh baked cookies...
The beauty of a cookie jar filled to the brim with cookies you made yourself.
A book so good you read this much in one day of stolen moments.
Rylin would like for everyone to know that this is what he would look like if he was a "china guy". (We had Chinese take away one Friday)
Finn would like everyone to know that this is what he would look like if he was Rylin. I blame this sort of behavior on the fact that my husband the afore mentioned dork contributed to half the DNA of these kids.
I started an autumn quilt to hang in my dining room it was just waiting for the binding to be sewn onto the back.
I also cast on a sock, knit on it a while, realized it was the very wrong size ripped it out and cast it on again using smaller needles.
All a bunch of little things that make me happy.