Warning: Not for some children's consumption, specially city children.

what Bob does instead of manly rooster slaying stuff ..... -------->
I have definitely knocked some things clear off the to do list this weekend-
#1- The sundress just needs a zipper and a hem and it's done.
#2 - No progress made on winter quilt
#3- Plants were put into front garden on Friday
#4- Lot's of laundry today, oh, and Friday... I think this is going to be a permanent on the list. : (
#5 - Got housework caught up but it er... needs doing again.
#6 - Kill the rooster. Check.
#7 - Borrow hatchet to kill rooster with. Check.
#8 - Talk Bob into killing rooster. Nope, didn't happen.
#9 - Toughen stomach to take all rooster bits and pieces out. Check.
#10- Take a long bath. hehehe. Just fell on the floor laughing, what was I thinking?
#11 - Talk someone into watching Finn while I cut down the 'list'. Nope, again. Waited till he was in bed. Who needs sleep??? What a complete waste of time!
Friday the rooster met his bitter end after Finn was in bed. Bob could not be talked into doing it although he observed for "moral support". So I donned my rubber gloves, Christmas apron and the deed was done. My neighbor did the actual chopping while I held him down. There was some comment made about my clumsiness, axes and medical bills.
I removed feathers which was way easier than I thought it would be. Took the insides out not as bad as I thought either, though I did have the foresight to withhold food from him on Friday. Cooked him on Saturday and it was nothing like I thought. The children refused to eat him. Franklin said, "I only eat anonymous chicken." Today I took the leftovers and made it in to soup to be passed off as someone else's chicken at a later date.
I did save some of the extra parts... feathers for my hair in case those old gaudy hat styles come back or we get a drought. I also made the kids necklaces to ward off broken bones...
The Hens are doing well, they even left me a little something to prove their fealty.

I've decided eggs are made out of threats and fear.
Official Disclaimer: One rooster was harmed in the writing of this blog. Also, my son wore that for all of 30 seconds for the picture and then I took it off him and threw it away. (he mentioned something about wearing it to school to show friends, it is not only in garbage it is buried there.) Look closely for feathers -------------->