Saturday morning Frankie, Rylin and I went out to yard sales around our neighborhood. There were three, we stopped at two. (I do not stop where I see only baby stuff or little girl stuff, lifes too short.) Also, most people have yard sales here even if it says "garage sale" as a matter of fact if you stray toward the opening of the garage they look at you all shifty eyed like you're going to go in and steal their circa 1970 Craftsman Drill.
Well at one we saw a school desk and Rylin expressed interest in it but only mildly after all it was green with flowers and the name "Jo-Beth" painted on it. So we leave start driving down the road and get this.... RYLIN IS CRYING!!! I question him as to the cause of his tears and it's because he wants the desk. And so I say, "It is a girl's desk Rylin" and then I hear, "So! You can fix it mom! Make it a boys desk!" I drive back to the garage sale in reverse.
When we got home and after Bob gave me the "What were you thinking?" look regarding the girldesk, I told him about a cabinet at one of the sales and that I thought it would look good if fixed up under the kitchen cabinets that hang in the middle of nowhere in my kitchen. (After all, if I have to fix stuff up why shouldn't he?) So he went down with his truck and offered the amount I told him to offer as it was later in the afternoon and did the guy really want to haul it back into his garage? The man accepted and Bob brought it home.
I got to work on the girly desk with paint stripper and a sander. Rylin wanted flames painted on it but I told him it would not in fact make it look like he was doing his homework faster and Mommy isn't very artsy in that way that's Aunt Carrie's thing. So now he has a blue desk and I used chalk board paint on the top surface.
Work commenced on the cabinet on Tuesday. I'll update as it progresses. We are arguing at the moment as my vision of what it should look like differs from the nightmare that he envisions. It's his project. He can make it how he likes. Or I could just go get started and um... you know, make it my project and then it could be how I like. All is fair in love and war you know. If you think it's not, just remember... he cut my babies' curls off!