Sunday, July 29, 2007


As of last night my Grandmother is home from the hospital and my Grandfather has advanced from ICU to a regular room. My Grandfather came out of his surgery wonderful and all hospital staff are duly amazed that he is 79. However, the type of cancer they found is an agressive one and both he and my Grandmother will be starting chemo soon.

The kids and I returned home, we arrived Friday evening and are still exhausted. But it's true, there's no place like home.


Delighted Hands said...

Glad you are safe at home. How like your grandparents to do this together-they say you grow more alike the longer you are married but wow! So nice to see friends in the wedding pics-thanks.

Marsel said...

79? No way!!! For one thing, your grandparents have always seemed ageless to me, and he sure doesn't look 79 -- I even zoomed in on the picture to check! Keep us posted on how they're doing.