Beware! I am in a mood and cannot be held responsible for anything I may say about any establishment or member of any establishment today!
To my children's school - YOU ARE ON NOTICE!!! Firstly, stop offering for me to join the PFA. You hold your meetings at 3 p.m. which is 15 minutes after 3 of my 4 boys get out of school. So am I to bring all 4 boys? Am I suppose to drop them with the nanny I do not have?? Hmmm? Furthermore, what if I was one of the mothers who HAVE to work? That means I cannot be a part of decisions for my children's school because I must work to feed them, the afore mentioned children. I am blessed enough to not work and to be able to parent my own children, not all people are so fortunate though. A better time for PFA meetings would be around 7pm when everyone could come. Secondly, stop mentioning to me anything regarding volunteering in the classroom or on field trips. You give me the volunteer form and right on there in bold print it says,"No younger sibling are permitted in the classroom or on fieldtrips." Still don't have a nanny, enough said. Some of you may think that yes, I could hire a sitter for one day per week or the occasional field trip. Well, not everyone has a conveniently located family member to drop their children off to. Furthermore, all the babysitters are in school. Thirdly, one of my children's teachers gives him all his homework for the week on Monday, it is due on Friday he can work on it at his leasure and usually has it all completed by Monday or Tuesday at the latest so he doesn't have to worry about it the whole week. I think you should be nominated for teacher of the year for this sensible approach to homework. However, the other two teachers hand out homework on a nightly basis due the next day. So this means that should we decide to do something as a family unit we cannot. Studies have proven that the more a child spends time with his family the better his behavior at school. This would benefit you immensely, I'm sure you would agree. Let me give you an example in case you are not following me. For example: I still work, I get out of work and pick up my kids from childcare, we go out for dinner and then head to prayer meeting. After prayer meeting we come home and it's time for a shower and bed. But no, the choice is to either skip two of these things or let the child stay up past a reasonable hour to do the homework. What do you suggest? My suggestion is to let him skip his shower (so you can enjoy his delightfully ripe aroma) and let him go to bed late (so you can deal with overtired crabbiness all day).
To the seed company I ordered from, I do not appreciate you telling me that I will receive my seeds in X amount of days and it is now Y amount of days and there are still no seeds in my possesion. I have an actual schedule for when I want certain things to go in my garden. I made my order well in advance of scheduled time and now the scheduled time has past. And do not even tell me that any of it is on back order. This will anger me further and warrant a phone call from me during which I well tell you that if something is not available take it off your website or at the very least put "not in stock" underneath the price. Also, do not lie to me about when things will arrive. As I tell my children, when you lie to me, you will be found out. But rest assured... I will not order from you again.
To the boyscouts - Perhaps more boys would be able to join the boyscouts if you didn't charge an absolutely outrageous amount of money for the uniforms. You suggest I buy 2 class A's and 3 class B's. I will do so... for my son... Can you write me a note to explain to the mortgage company why I'm a bit short? Thanks, I appreciate it.
My, I certainly do feel better.
P.S. To the guy at the garden center yesterday - Do not EVER see a woman struggling to put 140lbs of anything into a shopping basket and stand there and smirk. You look quite able bodied, seemed not busy at all and yet you stood there. I saw you looking at me!!! You'd better not be there next time, this is your notice.