This is for a friend who keep harassing me regarding the occasionally stagnant state of my blog. You see I didn't have this until just recently when my mother decluttered and organized to move from one place to another. And in my family the way you declutter is to box it up and send it to another family member's house. So, I forgot pictures such as this existed until I received my share of the clutter.
So what do teenage girls do w

hen bored? Here is your answer....
There are more where this came from, Marsel!
You are SO bad!!!
Oh my word, the hours we spent on that couch -- dreaming up mean plots to execute upon your poor little sister, having heart to hearts, laughing until we hurt, sharing fears and tears, eating cheesecake at all hours of the night...
How I loved you and I still do! I'm so glad we lost each other only for a few years and not for life...
...even if you publicize blackmail photos of me!!!
PS -- Somewhere in a stash, I have a picture of you wearing -- as you so affectionately called them -- your "bumblebee glasses"...I shall have to unearth it for payback!!!
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