Here are some pictures of my Grandfather, Cadence and Hannah from Christmas day. I don't really have any new pics of my own to post, so I'm posting some that I got in my e-mail. Bob, myself and the boys brought in the New Year last night with our friends Al and Micky and their family from across the street. Bob and I even dressed up for the ocasion because if you can't put your finery on for New Year's Eve when can you? Unfortunately neither of us thought to have someone take our picture. It was wonderful to hear my husband tell me how great I looked and to see him all handsome in clothes we rarely see on each other. Housewives aren't exactly famous for evening gowns you know and a/c guys seldom wear tuxedos. We kissed in the New Year and decided without a doubt that 2008 must be a better year than the previous one for us. Yes, we had good times in 2007 but the sad ones are pretty fresh in our minds just now. Now that the busyness of Christmas is over Grandma's passing is really sinking in with me and another person in my family as well I think where it wasn't felt quite so keenly before.
Bob leaves tomorrow morning for Tenessee again, he'll return Friday and I will without a doubt miss him while he is gone. Yes, I know we aren't young newlyweds, but I still feel that way some times just the same. It will be a bit more rough this time as the kids are out of school for Holiday break and don't return until Jan 8th. So it's all day and all night with 4 kids and no adult companionship. I think absence will definately make my heart grow fonder. : )
While Bob's gone my plan is to clean and reorganize my sewing room so I can set up the new embroidery machine in there. To answer a question, yes, my sewing machine and the embroidery machine are portable. I have yet to use the embroidery machine as I am holding it hostage as a reward for getting the sewing room better organized to be more productive. I have many projects that didn't meet the Christmas deadline. 3 quilts and 4 knitted projects to be exact. You needn't leave any comments telling me that I'm crazy out of my mind if I thought I was actually going to accomplish all that, I am well aware... trust me. In my defence, if you don't keep the bar high you will have nothing to strive for and now that these projects are not breathing down my neck in an "I'm going to be a Christmas present" kind of way I will enjoy them in more of an 'I do this because I love this' less 'sweat shop' type way. If I had a lick of sense I would complete them and store them for 2008 b'day/Christmas gift giving, but we all know that won't happen... it never does.
Another one of my brilliant plans is to organize, de-clutter and clean the ENTIRE house including the wall paper I started stripping in my bedroom in Sept. There's half a wall done. Bob was supposed to come in and say, "Give that to me you're doing it all wrong" per usual. I waited... and.... NOTHING! I get the occasional question from the errant spouse saying, "Are you ever going to finish that?" Usually we are lying in bed when this question pops up so in the darkness he either doesn't see or pretends to not notice my eye rolling/glare look I do as an answer.
Of course, these are the plans. Would you like to know what will really happen? Bob will go away on his business trip, I will allow the kids to run wild to a certain extent and make sure they are fed, cleaned, made to sleep and basically kept alive. I will sit on my bottom watching girl movies that Bob does not enjoy such as the Hallmark ones that make me tearful (Love Comes Softly and Love's Unfolding Dream are on the roster if you're interested) , meanwhile eating huge bowls of snack that I would never eat in that quantity were another adult watching that could hold me accountable (yes, there will be chocolate and pop-corn) and I will knit when my hands aren't covered in salty or chocolatey delights. The kids and I will play board games and make messes that we won't clean up. Come Friday round about the time Bob is landing at Jax airport we will all run around the house cleaning and shining and mopping up evidence of our "domestic duties vacation" This is most likely what will go on in spite of my best laid plans. Of course, now that I'm mentioning it on here it is beginning to sound a bit like a plan, eh? Forget you ever read this. We all know dutiful wife/mother that I am I would never do such a thing and would never think something so slovenly as wearing a pair of pajamas all day was an excellent idea, seriously. Could someone call me Friday morning and remind me that it would be a good time to shave my legs and put some make up on? Thanks.
In other news, Carrie and Dave are having another girl and she is to be named Elizabeth Margaret after out Grandma (Margaret Elizabeth). She will be called "Ellie", isn't that beautiful? If you're of a mind you could get a hold of my dear sister and attempt to convince her that it is very self centered of her to keep having female babies and not let me have one of them. Especially after all I've done for her. You could also mention that the one that's coming in March or April would be a good candidate for her to gift to me before she gets too attached. It's only fair. Carrie, it's not nice to tease your sister hasn't anyone ever taught you to share?
Happy New Year everyone. May God grant you many blessings. And some chocolate and pajamas too!
I have tears pouring down my face--I have started projects knowing it would kill Bill that I am doing it all 'wrong'--so sorry your plan backfired! I am going to chuckle all day!
ENJOY THE PAJAMA DAYS! Those are the best.
And oh my, the pictures of Carrie's girls are like flashbacks to her childhood. If that one of Hannah didn't have a more-modern-than-Carrie's-childhood character on it I would swear it was of Carrie!
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