The Grand Prize winner of the "sock monkey" contest is... Franklin. Actually, I gave it to him because this will probably be the last time he asks for anything like this, not a toy but a toy to love and squeeze made by Mama. I finished him yesterday while sitting outside in the sun.
Today we went to the Waldo Flea Market. We bought a flat of strawberries, crook neck squash, bananas, tomatoes and fresh cajun roasted peanuts. Oh and five Rhode Island Red chickens. We were walking along and Bob said,"Why don't you go get your chickens." I of course thought he was teasing and he said, "No seriously. Go get them." Frankie and I went to get them quick before Bob changed his mind. The kids are each naming one, I think they should be named Krystals, Popeyes, Bojangles, Crunchy McChicken and KFC. The kids don't think thats funny and I reminded them that they may be pets for now but eventually they will be dinner. I was going to get four but got five instead in case one is a rooster.
Bob is going to build me a nesting coop, when he was a kid he used to have a chicken named Fred and his Dad built him one so he seems to know what is needed.
Can you even guess how soft they are? They're two weeks old right now. Finn has named his "Duck", he insists they're ducks.
Oh, I am SOOOOOOOOO jealous -- I miss my chickens!!!
Love on them for me. :)
(By the way, just for the record, I fully expect none of these chickens will end up in the stockpot...!)
No, I'm more of an oven roasted sort of girl.
HA! They won't end up there, either, is my guess!
Oh, happy memories! Enjoy and can I hold one if I am very careful!?
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