In my defense Rylin dressed himself. He inisted that he wear that shirt because it was a 'special day' and thus a button up shirt was desirable. I figured it wasn't so unreasonable for a first grader to demand a little individuality so I relented.
Look at the van and look at Gage, see how tall he's getting?
Frankie is busy concentrating on staying upright do to the amount of school supplies in his back pack.
The day was quite quiet without them. When we were walking to the car this morning after walking them into their classrooms Finn refused to walk and stood pointing back to the school insisting we were forgetting Rylin.
I missed them today. Summer seemed so short this year.
Ah, the dichotomy of mothering...can't wait for school to start, then we feel sad when it does, and they're another year older, and they're growing a little more independent of us every year...!
Another season is the time to start another quilt!
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