Tuesday my friend Mrs. M. visited we chatted and played with Finn, had some show and tell, ate lunch and then put Finn down for his afternoon rest. Once Finn was down we got out the pants that Bob laughingly has named, "The Big Girl Pants". Har, Har! Mrs. M. had quite a laugh when I held them up to me, yes, very very funny. Ya'll just wait...
We used a pattern I had in my pattern drawer as I cutting guide and I made it harder than it had to be because I demanded that the zipper be left in tact because I hate putting zippers in. We got all the pieces cut out ate some chocolate pie and then Mrs. M. had to go. I was a little down about the fact that we took pants from size 26W to my size and there was only this little pile of fabric (I seriously thought there would be more)
I sewed up all the seems and then tried on the pants. And guess what....?

They're too tight! I mean they're wearable and they're cute in an Audrey Hepburn skinny pants type way, but they were not what I was looking for. Not enough seem allowance to let them out. That means one thing - treadmill.
I think they're pretty! Definitely much better than the previous gunnysack version.
You need to think long and hard about what you get for Bob this Christmas. This whole episode needs some serious payback to atone for the grief he's put you through!!!
Just vacuum faster and you will be fitting in these new pants in no time! They sure look better than before! Thanks for the fun not to mention the laugh!
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