On December 6th, Finn celebrated his fourth birthday. This is one of those milestones where your baby is really becoming a boy and there is no denying it anymore. (No matter how much this mother wants to.) We were told when he was born much too early that he would probably always be behind and that we had to adjust his age as to when things were expected and we were indeed told that our child may not ever be 'normal' 50% according the great medical brains. (What is normal anyway?) We were even urged to file for Social Security for him; not the number, THE CHECK! Judging by what I have seen and experienced in the four years I have had the gift of this small human, I am going to write a letter to Shands Hospital where he was born. Their slogan is, "Shands the Science of Hope." How about this instead, "Shands - Keeping Faith in God's Miracles." If you're ever in doubt look at all the children in this world who's parents were told they wouldn't be able to do this or overcome that apparently, someone forgot to tell these little people what they couldn't do cause they did it anyway.
Finn's first Christmas, this picture was a gift to us from the NICU nurses. They each decorated a t-shirt for their baby and took pictures for the parents.
Finn on his birthday, preparing to be deployed!
Praise God for this full-steam-ahead boy of yours!
This is a happy event-who can know the mind of the Lord.......
Finn is a blessing to your whole family!
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