I don't think so...
One word describes this "ca-ca"! The locks don't seem very long, it chock full of VM and filth. I even went so far as to try washing some of it first thinking it would be easier. I actually wonder if perhaps this is from the under parts of the sheep as how can a sheep possibly get this nasty?
after wash |
I'm not really sure if this is worth the trouble. Please advise.
The conversation I had with Finn regarding this nasty nightmare is as follows:
Me: No. Why?
Finn: How do you have the dog fur?
Me: It's not from a dog. It's from a sheep.
Finn: Why did you kill a sheep?
Me: I didn't kill a sheep, if I did there'd be more blood, less poo. The shepherd which is another name for sheep farmer shaved the sheep and gave me his fur which is actually called "wool".
Finn: Why did the guy shave the sheep? Now the sheep is going to die.
Me: No the shepherd shaves it when it's getting warm out so the sheep would not be hot and it grows back before it gets cold out.
Finn (with a distrustful look on his face like he thinks I'm certainly telling him a big fat lie as well as killing animals in cold blood to steel their fur): Why do you need that sheep fur for that's "yuck"? (you have no idea kid!)
Me: People spin it on their spinning wheels and make it into yarn so they can do their "needling" (Finn's word for knitting)
Finn: The sheeps gonna die.
This kid will probably never wear anything I needle for him ever again. He has a point though, the dog fur is definately yuck!
Finn will always have a special way of looking at the world! I'm sorry I haven't made it there yet to help you conquer the fleece. Definitely pull off the poo and soak the rest-rinse and soak some more. It will be clean eventually and you will be glad you 'killed the sheep' to get he wool! Really.
EWWWWWW!!! Love the conversation with Finn, though!
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