It's too hot to swim duly note pictures of children in the house lying about (do not note the toys on the floor of the diningroom), it's too hot to do laundry in the so hot it feels like a car after being parked six hours in the florida August sun garage. What foolish person thought it would be a wise idea to put washer and dryer hookups in the garage in florida? My very wise opinion would be... a man who has never done his own laundry. The outdoor pictures I am posting today are not altered by any 'dramatic effects'. It is just so humid out that the I cannot keep the moisture off the camera lens. We have a heat advisory today, with the humidity added into the temperature the heat index will be between 105 - 110 degrees. It starting to sound like we live in that Death Valley place. Do you suppose anyone lives there? The name is a bit of a detourant I would think. I will not whine about the heat any more as Bob is working out in the heat today, probably extra due to the heat and should he read this blog I will certainly hear about my whining about heat while he is IN THE HEAT, while I am sitting comfortably in the a/c that HE WORKS IN THE HEAT TO PROVIDE FOR ME! I guess the moral of the story is I have a good husband who makes sacrifices for our family.
In other news... I have pink eye. The coffee pot broke this morning, before the coffee was made so I had to make an emergency run to Walgreen's to purchase a new coffee pot looking like a robber due to my refusal to remove sunglasses in store. On the upside, having four kids who gave me this wretched disease (I know it was you four, your attempts to deny it are futile) I had eye-ick medicine on hand. It is a bit harder to locate things in store when everything is so dim though.
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