It seems everytime I write this blog lately it is to relay more unhappiness.
I spoke to my Grandma this morning.Yesterday evening they drained more fluid off her lungs. She spoke with the Dr. this morning regarding her treatment and it comes down to this. The kind of Lymphoma (sp?) she has is not the kind she had before. This is un-curable. She will begin chemo tomorrow in an effort to fight the good fight. This was her decision and fortunately the type of chemo she will receive will be the kind that shouldn't cause her to be ill or lose her hair. The fluid will most likely keep building up in her lungs though. She is in good spirits regardless of this and said the Lord will do his will in her life and whether she sees heaven soon or years from now she is not afraid. Please continue to pray, for her and us; her family. We are not all as brave as her.
My Grandfather is still home from the hospital and doing well, although, he is in some pain.
Here's a hug -- love you.
We'll keep praying for everyone.
Close your eyes and hear your Grandma's words...let her share the Lord of her strength with you.....
We are praying for all of you, Love from Mrs. M
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