Friday, August 22, 2008

Ravelympics Progress

The Striped Felted Tote is completed here is before and after felting pictures. I felted it yesterday and today I cast on a new project, The Omo Scarf. I'm using a turquoise handspun superwash wool yarn that a friend gifted me for my birthday. The scarf is a fashion scarf rather than a scarf for warmth. With all the rain and wind it is definately good knitting weather. Our power was out today for quite a while and Bob hooked up the generator, if it weren't for the humidity that makes a/c a necessity for comfort I would have been content to just sit by the window and knit with no power.


Delighted Hands said...

Love the bag-so glad you stuck it out! The scarf will be nice-get another pic when it is longer so I can see the pattern!

Marsel said...

The bag turned out great!