Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Your guess is as good as mine...

Here is the current forecast for Fay. This is this morning's forecasted track. I point this out because by this afternoon it will be different. Get out the generator; go put it away... get it out, put it away... take the furniture of the deck; put it back it will go on and on until either it starts to blow and rain or the sun comes out and people who jumped the gun by hanging plywood over their windows look a big sort of fool. (My apologies to the man down the street whom I saw hanging plywood yesterday evening. Hope it comes buddy, to save you the shame)

Another thing is that no matter how the forecast starts out it always ends up in our area on a weekend (this was what happened in 2005 anyway) so you didn't even get a day off from school or work because of it. (Not me, I don't get days off. Not even CHRISTMAS! I need to get with the union about that...)

There is an upside though. The media is having a wonderful good time with this, it's a big huge story with the propensity for loss of life, property, flooding and government aid (in their opinion, I don't think it's such a big deal) but for a very short time at least we're not hearing so much about Barrak Obama and that's a good thing.

Should it come I am prepared; I have my book, book light, knitting and a rocking chair on the front porch where I will sit and watch the wind blow, the rain fall and pond and discuss with Bob how I am a terrible role model for the children sitting outside during a storm and no, he will absolutely not video me standing out in the yard in my rain coat like Jim Cantori on the weather channel and for me to get myself in this house and act like a grown woman and responsible mother. I wonder if it will make my neighbors feel any better to know that Bob and I also spend a good amount of time during these storms speculating on which of your trees are most likely to fall first and whether or not we think it will be on your home. Don't be upset. After all, what are folks to do when the satellites out?


Delighted Hands said...

What's a poor weatherman to do when there are no blizzards to get excited about! The boys are hoping for a good storm, too! We are ready no matter what-food, water and yarn on hand!

Marsel said...

I'm just looking forward to having a rainy afternoon curl-up with my family -- I hope it makes it this far north!