Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pretty, Yummy Things

I finished the top to the 'winter quilt'.

Bob brought me home a gift bag from Heavenly Chocolates. There's some missing though I had to eat some before I took the picture They're soooo good!

He also sent me roses for valentines Day enough for two vases, so two rooms were brightened up by them.

I guess I must be doing something right. I wonder what...

(There are 2 pictures of the chocolate because blogger will not alllow me to delete the extra one I stuck in by accident)


Delighted Hands said...

Oh, chocolate, roses and a quilt-what a perfect blog entry! You did an outstanding job on the quilt top-if you want 'help' quilting it, just ask!

Marsel said...

"Pretty and yummy" is right!

Isn't it a great feeling to finish a quilt top...