Friday, April 24, 2009

One arm, one ear and two socks

Thursday morning I took Finn in to get his x-ray, this is to check that the bones are sitting right in the cast and healing properly. Well, they weren't. There was 38% angulation and so the cast had to come off, the bones reset and a new cast put on. Very upsetting to watch him go through this twice.

No sooner did Finn and I get home but the school called me to come get Rylin he had a fever. He has an ear infection and he's resting up and taking his pink stuff.

In news that is actual progress I finished a pair of socks. Just a plain toe up pattern, magic loop method and the finn wool Mrs. M. sent me. These went very quick because it was just plain knitting for the most part so I could read my kindle at the same time. I felt any kind of pattern would detract from the color variations. It's nice to get something done.

Monday, April 20, 2009

To Do List Progress

Warning: Not for some children's consumption, specially city children.

what Bob does instead of manly rooster slaying stuff ..... -------->

I have definitely knocked some things clear off the to do list this weekend-

#1- The sundress just needs a zipper and a hem and it's done.
#2 - No progress made on winter quilt
#3- Plants were put into front garden on Friday
#4- Lot's of laundry today, oh, and Friday... I think this is going to be a permanent on the list. : (
#5 - Got housework caught up but it er... needs doing again.
#6 - Kill the rooster. Check.
#7 - Borrow hatchet to kill rooster with. Check.
#8 - Talk Bob into killing rooster. Nope, didn't happen.
#9 - Toughen stomach to take all rooster bits and pieces out. Check.
#10- Take a long bath. hehehe. Just fell on the floor laughing, what was I thinking?
#11 - Talk someone into watching Finn while I cut down the 'list'. Nope, again. Waited till he was in bed. Who needs sleep??? What a complete waste of time!

Friday the rooster met his bitter end after Finn was in bed. Bob could not be talked into doing it although he observed for "moral support". So I donned my rubber gloves, Christmas apron and the deed was done. My neighbor did the actual chopping while I held him down. There was some comment made about my clumsiness, axes and medical bills.

I removed feathers which was way easier than I thought it would be. Took the insides out not as bad as I thought either, though I did have the foresight to withhold food from him on Friday. Cooked him on Saturday and it was nothing like I thought. The children refused to eat him. Franklin said, "I only eat anonymous chicken." Today I took the leftovers and made it in to soup to be passed off as someone else's chicken at a later date.

I did save some of the extra parts... feathers for my hair in case those old gaudy hat styles come back or we get a drought. I also made the kids necklaces to ward off broken bones...

The Hens are doing well, they even left me a little something to prove their fealty. I've decided eggs are made out of threats and fear.

Official Disclaimer: One rooster was harmed in the writing of this blog. Also, my son wore that for all of 30 seconds for the picture and then I took it off him and threw it away. (he mentioned something about wearing it to school to show friends, it is not only in garbage it is buried there.) Look closely for feathers -------------->

Simple Skirts GIVEAWAY!!!!

Simple Skirts GIVEAWAY!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

What I did instead.

As for progress on the to do list I did lots of number 4. However, that is really not an accomplishment because laundry is an ongoing chore in this house. I do four loads on Mondays. Two loads the rest of the week. I don't usually do laundry on Saturday or Sunday unless there has been a 'situation' that requires it.

So, instead of working on the rest of the list I made enchiladas and key lime pie. Bob had smoked a turkey on the grill and we had massive amounts of leftovers and you can only serve them the same way twice, any more than that and folks just won't eat them. So I made Chicken enchiladas with smoked turkey instead of chicken (if I had done the dirty deed of killing the rooster it would've been chicken). Bob and the kids gave compliments to both, Bob's compliment was, "You should've married a Mexican you're way better with Mexican food than Italian." I think it's a compliment anyway... Finn said that the pie was 'bad' though but since everyone else liked and I like it I think it was fine.

Oh, and I went on an egg hunt. My hens are still not laying so it crossed my mind that the bad rooster is teaching them how to be sly and deceptive and that they are hiding them from me. So I went all around the yard looking. The only eggs I found were plastic Easter eggs my kids failed to find. Then I tricked the flock into getting into their coop and locked them up because I wanted to put the plants in the garden and they see me, get curious and start scratchin' all around where I'm trying to work. Oh, and the rooster flaps his wings and crows at me because he does not allow me to be in his yard. So I lock the flock and come back in the house to do a couple things, next thing I know I hear the chickens by the back door... taunting me... Rylin had let them out, he had a friend over and she wanted to see them. AGGGHHH!

So the plan today is to get the Friday morning chores done - laundry, clean the bathrooms, sweep and mop floors etc. and then go out try to fool the chickens again (I know how cool am I that my chickens out smart me. They probably sit in their coop at night cackling away at me. "Eh, did you see the stupid lady today? Walkin' around lookin' for de eggs... if she only knew we're laying them in de pool! Yeah, or remember the time we flew over the fence to the neighbor's and laid them in the grass and came back before she even saw us? HAHAHAHHAHA! Heh Rooster, crow real loud she'll really get angry if you do it in the middle of the night. Did you see her yesterday, she was staring at you with de shovel in her hands. HAHAHAHAH! Eh, we should talk to the grey cat maybe he could help us out the next time the lady's staring at us we can have him jump on her head and scratch 'er eyes out, we could pay em with the eggs. Oh, and we can remind him about the time that little one with the yellow feathers on his head locked him in the fridge and the lady didn't find him for a long time he'll do it then! HAHAHA! She'll be locked up in de Assylum before we're done with her, who's lockin' who up now lady?) They think I don't know about their devious Chicken Mafia ways, but I'm on to them. I told Bob last night that if they don't start laying some eggs when I 'whack' the rooster I'll sit them all in a row and have a class about what happens to bad little mob boss chickens!!!

So let's see how it goes today. I think I'm going to add another item to the list, "Check pool for eggs."

Here's Finn yesterday, if you look closely you can see he let us 'do drawing' on his cast. He's riding his horse and making motorcycle noises because I won't let him ride his motorcycle do to the fact that a good amount of crashing occurs and that can't be good for casts or broken arms.

Oh, and when I gave him his bath last night I tied a grocery bag around his cast and said, "Ok, we have to keep this arms out of the water." I turned to get a washcloth, turned back and he was sticking it under the faucet! Must be pay back for the 'bad pie'.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nice Tote Bag

I totally need to make this bag, in those colors. It almost looks like my Kindle is already in the front pocket.

List of things I need to do before I can make that tote bag:

1. Finish the sundress that is currently on the dress form waiting to be finished.
2. Finish quilting the winter quilt. Seriously, it's April!
3. Put the plants in the garden. (Everytime, I go to do this either we get a cold front where it's kind of iffy or a few days of drowning thunderstorm rains)
4. Get the laundry caught up.
5. Get the rest of the house cleaning caught up.
6. Kill the rooster. (I have contemplated hitting him in the head with the shovel because he will not stop crowing all day... everyday...; but this seems wasteful and like poor chicken farming)
7. Borrow a hatchet to kill the rooster with.
8. Talk Bob into doing the actual 'murderous act'.
9. Toughen my stomach to do the dressing out part.
10. Take a very, very long bath.
11. Talk someone into watching Ole' One Arm while I do all of the above.
12. Stop fooling with this blog and get to work.

P.S. I was putting laundry into the washer this morning and Finn was out in the garage talking to me and he shows me his cast and says, "The man squished my boo boo. The man's gonna to pay." The matter of fact tone in which Finn said this does not bode well for this man's safetly. Yes, he actually said this! I also know why... 3 years of observing 3 older brothers threaten retribution for every little wrong done them from another brother. Why do they only learn the things you don't want them to? They never seem to catch on when Mommy tries to teach them how to pick up their own room like a big boy or you try to potty train them because pull ups are putting a big dent in the budget. It doesn't seem fair. Someone's gonna pay. I think it should be the rooster.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Finn's Big Band Aide

The injury in question occurred when we were outside swimming, I was sitting on the deck watching Franklin & Rylin in the pool and Finn had just gotten out. Bob was down on the patio lighting the grill and Finn fell off the side of the top step to the deck and into.... the big ceramic flower pot. There is now a railing on both side of the steps, one normal size, one Finn size.

Other than right when it happened Finn didn't cry, in fact we only brought him in as a precaution because the swelling was not going down and he kept babying it. The Doctor said that the little kids never cry and carry on, only the big kids and adults. Both the bones on each side of his wrist are fractured.

His cast was put on yesterday at Nemour's and he was very big and brave until the man had to squeeze his wrist to hold the bones straight until the cast dried. Finn screamed and cried and tried to pry away the man's hands, but it only lasted a minute or two.(I never want to hear a child of mine scream like that again. You know it's for their own good but you want to push the man over and say, "I don't think so Buddy!") Oh and Finn is wanting to show anyone who will look his "bone pictures". He thinks they're pretty cool. He picked the color from a little sample, I felt neon yellow would really show dirt but he's the one who has to suffer it so I gave in. Oh, and they said to try to keep him cool and not hot and sweaty because that is when the itching inside of the cast will kick in and start driving him mad.

Since we were down near Daddy's work, we stopped in and Finn drove the forklift and we went out to lunch with Daddy and Mr. Billy (one of the owners). When we got back to the office Finn and Daddy drove the forklift and then Finn did some work. He was told to check on some parts for Mr. Billy. So Finn picked up the phone and said,"Parts, where are you?!?"

Finn was asleep in his car seat before we hit the highway and of course woke up just as we got home. I was hoping to catch up on some stuff that didn't get done that morning since we left first thing.

The whole family is waiting on him hand and foot and generally spoiling him. Rylin even gave him some of his candy, he said, "I don't really like you Finn but I feel bad for you because your arms broken." Ahh, brotherly love.

We go back next Thursday to get another "bone picture" to make sure that his bones are still aligned properly in the cast. The Dr. figures about 4 weeks because they heal very quickly at this age.

He's getting loved, snuggled and coddled a lot and is taking all this very well. Although, when I was putting him to bed last night he told me to take off his big band aide because his booboo is all better now.

It's going to be a long four weeks....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt


Saturday morning we packed up and headed to the beach. Bob said,"Don't bother to have the boys put their suits on they won't swim in that cold water." K Bob.

We got towed TWICE when Bob got the truck stuck in the sand.

We had to take separate cars and when we got home Wendy showed me a picture of this house she loves. Bob and I laughed because when we were driving and I pointed it out I said, "That's the house I want."

We headed home when the sky started getting dark there and smoked/barbecued ribs, went swimming and when the kids went to bed we made them an Easter egg hunt.

Wendy decided to try and hide an egg in the grill of my van. It disappeared and she had to go looking for it.

This is what my brother in law looked like when we were teasing him about how he tried to 'save' the hen when the rooster was trying to "kill her." It was very valiant of him to protect the virtue of our hens. It's extra funny because earlier in the day he was telling Bob we shouldn't eat the rooster because we should keep him to get chicks.


Bob took the day off Friday and we colored Easter eggs and then took the kids to Whitey's Fish Camp to fish. We brought 3 poles for Gage, Frankie and Rylin and bought our bait at the store right there.

I sat on the dock baiting hooks and Bob and Finn did their fishing from the outside deck of the restaurant.

Then Rylin saw them and realized they were sitting up there probably drinking sodas. The sodas the restaurant puts CHERRIES in. So I had to hold Rylin's pole for him while he went to "talk to his dad about gittin' a soda". So Gage, Frankie and I sat on the dock with our poles in the water and discussed why Frankie's bate never stays on his hook.

The restaurant started getting busy with boats docking for lunch. I was enjoying the sunshine and glanced up as these three people were getting off a boat that had just docked next to me. A WILDLIFE FISH AND GAME boat. Guess who doesn't have a fishing license?

We came home and ate dinner out back at the table and just as we were finishing up there was a knock at the door. Bob's oldest brother and his wife Wendy came to suprise Bob with a visit for the weekend (I knew they were coming so I could make sure we were home).

Monday, April 13, 2009

Finn's Big Booboo

He gets his cast on Wednesday at Nemour's Children's Hospital. : ( Poor Baby just started swimming too...