Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Knitting

This year for Christmas presents I decided I would knit hats.  Lots of hats, out of leftover yarn from other projects or yarn I mysteriously accumulated with no pattern intentions attached to them.  I am hoping Finn will not be scarred for life after modeling pink hats but I don't have a Styrofoam head so he got the job. 

The State of the Children Address, Part 2

Monday, was Frankie's Boy Scout Court of Honor.  I made a cake to bring as we were all supposed to bring a dessert.  Bob made Finn's cake, I made the on for Frankie's court of honor.  Bob thinks cakes should be rectangles and made from boxes.  I think they should be round and made from scratch!

Frankie was promoted from Tenderfoot to Second Class.  He has a lot of fun in boyscouts and is working his way up the ranks!  I guess, a lot of boys join for the campouts etc. and never really progress.  I'm glad my son is ambitious enough to keep moving on up. I am very proud of him and he seems to be pretty popular in his troop.  We shopped around for a troop as some of them seem sort of stunted - no growth, the kids aren't progressing up the ranks, people are just.... er.... peculiar.  But who am I to judge?  I just wanted Frankie to fit and people who appreciate a made from scratch cake instead of homemade granola.

Tonight is  his Christmas Chorus Concert at the school and then the Jaguars game at our friends house.  We don't usually have outings on school night but tomorrow is a half school day where they show up, take attendance, feed them candy and then send them home.  (Your tax dollars at work....)  All their Christmas activities were today and they were told not to even bring their back packs tomorrow so I take it this is just a ploy to collect the money for the school without actually having to do actual teaching of any kind.  They will be excused the absence as they will be attending  the Political Science Class I will be teaching about the unethical practice  of squandering taxpayer money and learning how loopholes are tantamount to fraud.  You know, I just don't understand why they never invite me to join the PFA anymore....  do you think they don't like my cake?

Franklin is happy with his accomplishments and we are proud.

The State of The Children Address, Part 1

On December 6th, Finn celebrated his fourth birthday.  This is one of those milestones where your baby is really becoming a boy and there is no denying it anymore.  (No matter how much this mother wants to.)  We were told when he was born much too early that he would probably always be behind and that we had to adjust his age as to when things were expected and we were indeed told that our child may not ever be 'normal' 50% according the great medical brains.  (What is normal anyway?)  We were even urged to file for Social Security for him; not the number, THE CHECK!   Judging by what I have seen and experienced in the four years I have had the gift of this small human, I am going to write a letter to Shands Hospital where he was born.  Their slogan is, "Shands the Science of Hope."  How about this instead, "Shands - Keeping Faith in God's Miracles."  If you're ever in doubt look at all the children in this world who's parents were told they wouldn't be able to do this or overcome that apparently, someone forgot to tell these little people what they couldn't do cause they did it anyway.

Finn's first Christmas, this picture was a gift to us from the NICU nurses.  They each decorated a t-shirt for their baby and took pictures for the parents.

Finn on his birthday, preparing to be deployed!

Our Decorations

Here are some of the things we decorated for Christmas....

The good smelling Fraser Fir that it turns out I'm allergic to.  Bob thinks because I nagged him about getting a tree and I turned out to be dreadfully allergic to it is pure providence.  Talk about be careful what you wish for!

And of course the outside of our house.  I can never get decent pictures of Christmas lights!  We think it looks beautiful as we all worked on it.  Putting up the candy canes is Finn's specialty.

Christmas Cheer

Here is a 10lb bar of chocolate our neighbor brought us.  The retirement company the company uses brings one to each office every Christmas time and since he works alone and could not even imagine what he would do with all this chocolate he gave it to us.  We knew exactly what to do with it.

Here is my diningroom  with the only snowflakes I will see this year...

and the basil plant I decorated because Bob wouldn't go get me a real Christmas tree.

Here is my neighbor Barbara's house.  Barbara and her son put up this huge light display every year and every year they add something new.  The come on Thanksgiving evening and stay up till New Year.

My pictures really don't do them justice.