Thursday, February 21, 2008

Found Treasure

Here are some items I've come across while getting things better organized in the sewing room. All of the things were Gram Galla's that were handed down to me. The two tea towels with crochet tops were both finished except for needing buttons added on so last night I sewed a button onto each so they could be used.

The patterns I kept coming across here and there and so I kept them all together and was perusing them and laughing a bit about the styles.

There are a few that I would actually consider making with a little update of fabric and some minor alteration. The two simplicity patterns and the classic dress with the tie in front have potential. The rest are good for a little snicker.

The one with the 'unique' fabric in the picture was actually started by Gram and is cut out and has the zippers already in place, it was cut out for the blue skirt/ white shirt pattern it's pictured with. I think this is one of her projects I won't be finishing.

The picture of three patterns circa 1980 something are going to be sent to my friend Marsel. I'll let her make those up and wear them... Shoulder pads anyone?

The last picture is of my shelf addition to the sewing room.

1 comment:

Delighted Hands said...

The shelf looks great-we are powerful women when it comes to do-it-yourself! Bravo!