Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nice Tote Bag

I totally need to make this bag, in those colors. It almost looks like my Kindle is already in the front pocket.

List of things I need to do before I can make that tote bag:

1. Finish the sundress that is currently on the dress form waiting to be finished.
2. Finish quilting the winter quilt. Seriously, it's April!
3. Put the plants in the garden. (Everytime, I go to do this either we get a cold front where it's kind of iffy or a few days of drowning thunderstorm rains)
4. Get the laundry caught up.
5. Get the rest of the house cleaning caught up.
6. Kill the rooster. (I have contemplated hitting him in the head with the shovel because he will not stop crowing all day... everyday...; but this seems wasteful and like poor chicken farming)
7. Borrow a hatchet to kill the rooster with.
8. Talk Bob into doing the actual 'murderous act'.
9. Toughen my stomach to do the dressing out part.
10. Take a very, very long bath.
11. Talk someone into watching Ole' One Arm while I do all of the above.
12. Stop fooling with this blog and get to work.

P.S. I was putting laundry into the washer this morning and Finn was out in the garage talking to me and he shows me his cast and says, "The man squished my boo boo. The man's gonna to pay." The matter of fact tone in which Finn said this does not bode well for this man's safetly. Yes, he actually said this! I also know why... 3 years of observing 3 older brothers threaten retribution for every little wrong done them from another brother. Why do they only learn the things you don't want them to? They never seem to catch on when Mommy tries to teach them how to pick up their own room like a big boy or you try to potty train them because pull ups are putting a big dent in the budget. It doesn't seem fair. Someone's gonna pay. I think it should be the rooster.


Marsel said...

Watch out for the crazy chicken lady!!! :)

Finn's comment was very funny, and very boy...

...and I love the tote bag; you make it and work out the bugs and then I'll make it if it's fun! :)

Delighted Hands said...

See, we miss your blog entries! Love your stories-yes, you need the tote bag, too! ROFL

Anonymous said...

C'mon! Let's "Snuff the Rooster!"

Lance - across the street neighbor...